Cristi S.

Do you support Surface Pyramids?

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Hi there,

Your pyramid looks linear, i.e. the height of each segment is proportional with item's value.

However, there is another known mode, called surface, in which the area of each segment (instead of its height), is proportional with item's value.

Do you have a flag to easily switch from one mode to another? 

Or do you already have a fiddle with height calculations for each segment if we want this last mode?

Best Regards,

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Of course, Ayan. (This could actually help you guys decide about this feature, at some point in time... :))

Here is a linear pyramid

And here is the surface pyramid The only change was in the "pyramidMode" value.

Compare now the top segment from these charts. In the first chart, its height is 15% of the full pyramid height. In the surface pyramid, its area was made bigger, to show 15% of the whole pyramid surface.

FYI: pyramidMode, valueRepresents, PyramidValueType.



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