Ravikumar Sutagundi

Company Logo at the place of credit on charts

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If we have the trial version,  a message gets displayed saying "Fusion Charts XT Trial". The moment we have licensed version, this just disappears. 

My requirement is that I want to display a company logo or image at that place.

How can I achieve that? Any reply highly appreciated.




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Hi Ravi,


When you are using the licensed files the "FusionCharts XT Trial" watermark will not appear, that is why the licensed files are used after procuring the license of FusionCharts.


However, if you want to have a similar text on the charts even using the licensed files, then you can place a Text annotation with the same watermark text or any custom text on the chart. Please refer to the documentation for information regarding Text annotations :


Also find a sample fiddle using Text Annotation : http://jsfiddle.net/hpdLw38t/


FusionCharts also provides the feature to set custom logo on the chart. Please refer to the documentation link below for possible logo customization :


Also find a sample fiddle setting external Logo(image) : https://jsfiddle.net/fusioncharts/za1a6xer/




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On 8/24/2018 at 11:55 AM, Akash Biswas said:

Hi Ravi,


When you are using the licensed files the "FusionCharts XT Trial" watermark will not appear, that is why the licensed files are used after procuring the license of FusionCharts.


However, if you want to have a similar text on the charts even using the licensed files, then you can place a Text annotation with the same watermark text or any custom text on the chart. Please refer to the documentation for information regarding Text annotations :


Also find a sample fiddle using Text Annotation : http://jsfiddle.net/hpdLw38t/


FusionCharts also provides the feature to set custom logo on the chart. Please refer to the documentation link below for possible logo customization :


Also find a sample fiddle setting external Logo(image) : https://jsfiddle.net/fusioncharts/za1a6xer/




Thanks, Akash for the reply. This helped me. But when I import the image, the logo won't be imported. It says, "linked image not found" in the imported image. What needs to be done to get the logo in the imported images?

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On 10/1/2018 at 6:06 PM, Akash Biswas said:

Hi Ravi,


The provided sample using an image logo is getting exported in the exported image file : https://jsfiddle.net/za1a6xer/38/


If you face any issue please provide a sample replicating the issue, we would check and let you know.

Hi Akash,

Thanks for your reply. In Angular4 we are facing the issue. In javascript it does work.

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Hi Ravi,


This is a sample using the Angular plugin of FusionCharts that exports the chart with the image logo exported in the export file as well.

Sample : https://plnkr.co/edit/lk6Pret6eWUwn3ODJdF5?p=preview


Angular Plugin reference :https://github.com/fusioncharts/angular-fusioncharts


This is working fine at our end. Kindly provide a sample replicating the issue if you still face the same problem, so that we can check it at our end.




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10 minutes ago, Akash Biswas said:

Hi Ravi,


This is a sample using the Angular plugin of FusionCharts that exports the chart with the image logo exported in the export file as well.

Sample : https://plnkr.co/edit/lk6Pret6eWUwn3ODJdF5?p=preview


Angular Plugin reference :https://github.com/fusioncharts/angular-fusioncharts


This is working fine at our end. Kindly provide a sample replicating the issue if you still face the same problem, so that we can check it at our end.




Thanks, Akash for your reply. This image works, if I mention the below URL for the LogoURL it doesn't work.


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Hi Ravi,


The URL that you are using does not provide access for the resource due to CORS policy. Please check the below screenshot of the console when exporting for reference :


This occurs while using your provided image link in the fiddle : https://jsfiddle.net/za1a6xer/40/

Please host your image accordingly so that it is accessible. Refer to the sample fiddle : https://jsfiddle.net/za1a6xer/44/




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