
Resizing Angular Gauge and other Charts

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Hi All,

Whenever i disaply Angular Guage in a Square it displays properly. But When i Change the Dimension to a rectangle the ouptut does not scale properly. The Annotations does not maintain thier relative position w.r.t to the dial. I tried using AutoScale and ConstrainedScale but the output is not as Intended.

I have attached the Image For easy understanding. I want the Annotation to always maintain their size and position w.r.t to dials.

I am using fusion charts through VC++


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In order to use autoScale feature, you would need to use three attributes in <chart> and <annotationGroup> element to achieve the correct result which are autoScale='1' origW='{original width}' origH='{original height}'.
Now suppose if your gauge's actual width and height is 270 and 270, and you need to scale it to 570 and 570 then your attributes should be like:
<chart...autoScale='1' origW='270' origH='270'...>
<annotationGroup.......autoScale='1' origW='270' origH='270' ........>.
and chart size would be:
var myChart = new FusionCharts("../Charts/AngularGauge.swf", "myChartId", "570", "570", "0", "0");
Hope this works for you.

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Hi Rahul,

While creating the control, we can specify the dimension say 200x200, 400x.. . But at runtime the user has the flexibilty to change the window size at will. while resizing, the charts should update properly even if the window is resized to a rectangle. Please look at the image(third image) i have uploaded. I have tired using autoscale and contrainedScale featues but none of this give desired output.

Edited by Guest

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Guest Rajroop

Hello :),




We are really excited to announce the release of FusionCharts for Flex v1.1 featuring the following:




- 12 new chart types: 7 new gauges including Angular gauge, LED gauge and Linear gauge, Spark chart and Bullet graphs have been added.


- All the gauges can fetch data in real-time and come with alert managers and message loggers.


- All the charts and gauges can now be natively exported as images and PDFs.


- The data for all the charts can be exported as CSV.


- Data sets can now have custom text labels instead of numeric values.


- The charts can handle a lot more events to help you manipulate them better.


- Trendlines can also have custom tool-text.


- Custom color palettes can be defined for the data plots.




Learn more about it from and learn what's new in FusionCharts for Flex from




Existing customers can upgrade to the new version from

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