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Dynamic Y Axis setting

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I'm plotting a line chart with data values from around 10.5k to 13.5k. The chart displayed is being plotted from 0k - 14k, which means the line is all bunched at the top, filling only 2 fifths of the chart.




The data that is being displayed on the chart is being dynamically created by a server which is being picked by and entered into the chart using myChart.setDataURL().




I see that there is a way of setting the yAxisValue, but this is no use to me as I never know what data range I am going to get back.




Is there a means of telling the chart to only plot the chart around the data, and not to always start at 0?





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Thanks for the response.




:ermm: I'm not sure how to implement this.




I'm am using the javascript code to create the chart, this is what I have but it doesn't seem to have worked.




var myChart = new FusionCharts("flash/FusionCharts/line.swf", "1", "500", "300", "0", "0");




myChart.setAttribute("AdaptiveYMin", "1");









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Lemming (10/15/2007)
Thanks for the response.




:ermm: I'm not sure how to implement this.




I'm am using the javascript code to create the chart, this is what I have but it doesn't seem to have worked.




var myChart = new FusionCharts("flash/FusionCharts/line.swf", "1", "500", "300", "0", "0");




myChart.setAttribute("AdaptiveYMin", "1");













The AdaptiveYMin is a property of the dataset, therefore it has to be part of the data.xml you are giving to you fusionchart JS Object.

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