Akash Biswas

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Everything posted by Akash Biswas

  1. Hi Pierre, The FT chart in the provided codesandbox sample does not have a shift in the plot after the 27th of October. It is showing the tooltip correctly for the respective plots, you can check the below screenshot of your provided sample : Also there is no duplicate in the timestamp both the code and the sample provided. Thanks, Akash.
  2. PHP PDO/MySQL non-deprecated example

    Hi, The current PHP wrapper uses the native json_encode output. You can download the version 3.14.1 trial library for the updated PHP wrapper : https://www.fusioncharts.com/download/fusioncharts-suite-xt?framework=js Thanks, Akash.
  3. Fine tuning chart attributes

  4. Fine tuning chart attributes

    Hi, Yes, the attributes "lineColor" and "lineThickness" must be a part of the XML dataSource within the <chart> tag. Check the below sample fiddle for the XML structure with the mentioned attributes defined. Sample fiddle : https://jsfiddle.net/dbjsmrc7/4/ Thanks, Akash.
  5. Fine tuning chart attributes

    Hi, The attributes "lineThickness" or "lineColor" are not FusionCharts constructor parameters like "width" or "height". These are configuration attributes of the chart dataSource, so you need to define them within the "chart" object of the dataSource. Please refer to the sample fiddle for reference : http://jsfiddle.net/2v5t1mrd/3/ Thanks, Akash.
  6. Fine tuning chart attributes

    Hi, You can customize the chart visuals by using the configuration attributes supported for setting the chart cosmetics. For example, you can set the attribute "lineThickness" to define the thickness of the line in a line chart. To set the base font for any text element on the chart set "baseFontSize" or "baseFont". Also specific font attributes are also supported for individual elements like "labelFontSize" to set font size for x-axis labels, or "valueFontSize" for data plot values. Please refer to the attributes list for each chart types available : https://www.fusioncharts.com/dev/chart-attributes/line Also check the documentation for further reference : https://www.fusioncharts.com/dev/chart-guide/chart-configurations/data-plot For font configuration : https://www.fusioncharts.com/dev/chart-guide/chart-configurations/fonts Thanks, Akash.
  7. Converting from Flash to JS

    Hi, You can refer to the documentation guide below to upgrade from Flash version to the current JS version of FusionCharts : https://www.fusioncharts.com/dev/upgrading/from-flash-to-javascript Thanks, Akash.
  8. maxBarHeight isn't working anymore

    Hi Sebastien, The attribute "maxBarHeight" is working fine. Please check the modified sample : https://codepen.io/Akash008/pen/mddeded Please note : You have used "plotSpacePercent" as well in your dataSource which was restricting maxBarHeight to apply its attribute value. Thanks, Akash.
  9. stackedcolumn2d with Drilldown functionality

    Hi Sneha, Yes, it is possible to execute JS function using the "link" attribute with a "JavaScript" prefix within the attribute. Please check the below documentation link for reference : https://www.fusioncharts.com/dev/chart-guide/chart-configurations/drill-down#the-javascript-prefix Also find a sample fiddle : http://jsfiddle.net/fusioncharts/z7vnp56d/ Thanks, Akash.
  10. Incomplete data value custom font style 3.14.1

    Hi Sebastien, As of now the valueFontBold, valueFontSize and valueFontAlpha are supported at chart-level and not at data-level dataSource. The attributes for the value font cosmetics introduced in this version are supported at data-level. For your mentioned attributes we need to check internally for this. Thanks, Akash.
  11. Customize y-axis with accuracy

    Hi Sebastien, As of now the y-axis divisional lines interval could be configured using "adjustDiv", "yAxisMinValue", "yAxisMaxValue" and "numDivLines" accordingly to configure the intervals. For example : 0 to 100, numDivLines - 9, so the interval would be 0, 10, 20, 30, ...., 80, 90, 100. However, please confirm if your requirement is to set a value like 22, and based on which the y-axis interval would appear like 0, 22, 44, 66, .... and so on automatically. Thanks, Akash.
  12. Gradient Color Range Inconsistent from Initial Render

    Hi, Thank you for your continued patience. For the reported issue, could you please upgrade your current version to the latest, i.e, FusionCharts Suite XT v3.14.1? Find a sample fiddle for reference : https://jsfiddle.net/x3fqL7ry/1/ To avail the licensed release, you would need to re-download the entire package from the My Orders section of FusionCharts Product Update Center. PUC URL: https://puc.fusioncharts.com/ To download the Evaluation version of FusionCharts Suite XT v3.14.1, please visit the link:https://www.fusioncharts.com/download/fusioncharts-suite-xt Thanks, Akash.
  13. Gradient Color Range Inconsistent from Initial Render

    Hi, Thank you for your continued patience. For the reported issue, could you please upgrade your current version to the latest, i.e, FusionCharts Suite XT v3.14.1? Find a sample fiddle for reference : https://jsfiddle.net/x3fqL7ry/1/ To avail the licensed release, you would need to re-download the entire package from the My Orders section of FusionCharts Product Update Center. PUC URL: https://puc.fusioncharts.com/ To download the Evaluation version of FusionCharts Suite XT v3.14.1, please visit the link:https://www.fusioncharts.com/download/fusioncharts-suite-xt Thanks, Akash.
  14. remove export to xlsx

    Hi Adhiarta, To add the export to XLSX format in the export menu, you need to include the fusioncharts.excelexport.js file. Please refer to the sample fiddle : http://jsfiddle.net/r6Lhw1ys/4/ For configuring the export option in the export menu you need to set the exportFormats attribute. Refer to the sample fiddle : http://jsfiddle.net/r6Lhw1ys/5/ Also check the documentation for reference : https://www.fusioncharts.com/dev/exporting-charts/using-fc-export-server/configuring-the-export-feature Thanks, Akash.
  15. Gradient Color Range Inconsistent from Initial Render

    Hi, This is a known issue in the current version of the library which is already logged. Also it has been fixed internally and will be available in the upcoming version release of FusionCharts very soon. We would notify you with the updates. Thanks, Akash.
  16. Gradient Color Range Inconsistent from Initial Render

    Hi, This is a known issue in the current version of the library which is already logged. Also it has been fixed internally and will be available in the upcoming version release of FusionCharts very soon. We would notify you with the updates. Thanks, Akash.
  17. Hi Alex, FusionCharts supports the API event "legendrangeupdated" using which you could fetch the minimum and maximum value of the current colorRange selected on dragging. Sample for reference : https://jsfiddle.net/njgcbv7p/4/ However, it is not possible to set a color range programmatically as of now to set the same selected range on another map when dragged on your first map. Thanks, Akash.
  18. Hi Alex, FusionCharts supports the API event "legendrangeupdated" using which you could fetch the minimum and maximum value of the current colorRange selected on dragging. Sample for reference : https://jsfiddle.net/njgcbv7p/4/ However, it is not possible to set a color range programmatically as of now to set the same selected range on another map when dragged on your first map. Thanks, Akash.
  19. Hi Mnowotny, To see the more dense or granular data on zooming in the chart is supported in FT charts and the feature is called binning. FusionCharts supports the concept of binning that automatically groups the data for a specific period of time (For example - 1 month) based on the available pixel of the chart canvas. You can zoom in to view further granular data as the binning changes on zooming for weeks or days or hours based on the level of granularity you have in the chart data provided. Please note : You need to provide the entire data to the chart so that it understands the level of granularity and it would render the chart with the axis accordingly. You can also set custom binning according to your requirement. Please refer to the documentation link for configuring binning of the chart : https://www.fusioncharts.com/dev/fusiontime/getting-started/change-default-aggregation Thanks, Akash.
  20. Need help in setting Donut2d charts attributes

    Thanks for the acknowledgement
  21. Need help in setting Donut2d charts attributes

    Hi Sneha, The visual as per the provided image is due to the 3D lighting feature of the Doughnut chart which is enabled by default. You can disable the feature by setting the configuration attribute "use3DLighting" to "0". Please refer to the sample fiddle using your provided chart configuration attributes along with the above mentioned attribute : http://jsfiddle.net/w1b6kLdg/4/ Thanks, Akash.
  22. Converting from flash to js

    You can drop a mail to [email protected] they would assist you further with the upgrade.
  23. plotToolText for stacked area 2d total

    Hi, The "stackedarea2d" chart type does not support "showSum" attribute feature as of now. So, it is not possible to show the summed value using $sum macro in the tooltip for stacked area chart. For reference you can check the attribute list of the mentioned chart type : https://www.fusioncharts.com/dev/chart-attributes/stackedarea2d Thanks, Akash.
  24. Hi, We already have an improvement logged internally for this behavior of FT charts in Firefox browser. We will keep you posted with the updates. Thanks, Akash.
  25. Converting from flash to js

    Hi, You can refer to the documentation guide below to upgrade from Flash version to the current JS version of FusionCharts : https://www.fusioncharts.com/dev/upgrading/from-flash-to-javascript Thanks, Akash.