Ayan Bhadury

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Everything posted by Ayan Bhadury

  1. Hi, Thanks for replying back. Please check the following 1- Whether the database connectivity is properly made, and check whether you are able to fetch the required data using the sql query which you are using 2- Please check the whether you are able to restructure your data in fusioncharts datasource format in order to render it in the browser. Please share your observations.
  2. Hi, Thanks for replying back. Please check whether you are retrieving the data correctly or not. It seems like the category object is not generating properly. Please provide us your sql files so that we can investigate at our end.
  3. Hi, For implementing stacked bar chart in JSP using mysql database, please check this demo (also attached the sql file) example from the given dropbox link - https://www.dropbox.com/s/igei6jr3mto0amu/stacked-bar-db.zip?dl=0
  4. export xls in utf8

    Hi, The issue has been logged internally, thanks for spotting it out. We will let you know once it is fixed, sorry for the inconvenience.
  5. Fill Pie chart clockwise

    Hi, Glad to know that you got the solution. We have checked your implementation, and this can be also done as a workaround.
  6. How do you set line's thickness?

    Hi, Unfortunately, there is no way to set thickness of the little stick out of each candle. However you can change the candle to line and increase its thickness using "plotLineThickness" attribute at the chart level. Please refer this sample fiddle http://jsfiddle.net/ayanbhaduryfc/fqfnj5vp/
  7. Fill Pie chart clockwise

    Hi, FusionCharts renders Pie charts in anti clockwise directions, however you can use "animationClockwise" attribute and enable it to "1" to rotate in clockwise direction, also you can change the "startingAngle" to change the starting angle. For further reference please check this sample fiddle link http://jsfiddle.net/ayanbhaduryfc/ezt0xx7q/
  8. How do you set line's thickness?

  9. How do you set line's thickness?

    Hi, To set line's thickness you can use "lineThickness" attribute at the chart level and set it as the number of pixels required. Also if you want to change it dynamically you can use FusionCharts setChartAttribute api method and set the line thickness. For details regarding setChartAttribute please refer this link http://www.fusioncharts.com/dev/api/fusioncharts/fusioncharts-methods.html#setChartAttribute For further reference please check this sample fiddle link using setChartAttribute api method http://jsfiddle.net/ayanbhaduryfc/fboruqhb/
  10. Hi, This is to notify you that the problem you are facing has been fixed, with our latest version i.e. 3.12.0. Please upgrade to the latest version to see the changes.
  11. Zoom scatter chart problem with IE

    Hi, The issue has been logged internally, thanks for spotting it out. We will let you know once it is fixed, sorry for the inconvenience.
  12. tick marks on angular gauge

    Hi, We checked the scenario from our end and checked that the tick marks are getting same on both the charts, to get the same number of tick marks on both gauge you can specify the number using "majorTMNumber" attribute and set it to "6", also please set "autoAlignTickValues" attribute to 0. For further reference please check this sample fiddle link http://jsfiddle.net/ayanbhaduryfc/9mLLwhhx/ If still you are facing any problem you can modify the above sample fiddle with your own data source and send back to us.
  13. Error : Pie chart's pie color is not shown

    Hi, Please check whether you have included the library files of FusionCharts or not also check whether you are using the latest version of FusionCharts i.e. 3.11.3 or not. We have checked it from our end in firefox and is working fine from our end. For further details you take take this sample fiddle link as reference http://jsfiddle.net/fusioncharts/hLhjhft8/ A sample screenshot is attached below
  14. Hi, You cannot access the background svg element natively, however you can use "bgcolor" to change its background color and to remove the background color i.e. to make it transparent you can use "containerbackgroundopacity" at constructor level. For further reference please check this sample fiddle link http://jsfiddle.net/ayanbhaduryfc/4zLd2xj1/
  15. bgimage cropping on 3D charts in Edge and IE

    Hi, Thanks for replying back. We checked the source code you provided ,in the .xml file you have used <styles>, <definition> tags which are deprecated now, please follow the latest xml structure of FusionCharts. Please refer this documentation link for further reference. Also include a sample for bgImage and supply image via https://postimage.org/ or http://imgur.com/ and post the answer.
  16. Hi, As of now we cannot commit an exact date when this will be fixed, but it is expected to be done by the end of second quarter. We will notify you once it is fixed.
  17. Hi, There is a bug when "upperLimitDisplay" is given three letter words all are in uppercase, thanks for spotting it out, we have already reported this to the engineering team, we will notify you once it is fixed. However, for a workaround you can either use a 4 letter words or you can provide a blank space after the word and test it.
  18. bgimage cropping on 3D charts in Edge and IE

    Hi, Thanks for replying back. Please feel free to get in touch anytime.
  19. Bold value does not apply to YAxis in styling

    Hi, Thanks for replying back. Natively It is not possible to only specify y-axis scale values as bold. Only workaround will be that you specify `baseFont` or `outCnvBaseFont` with font that will visualize as bold. You can refer the above JSFiddle which we have provided earlier for reference.
  20. Changes to chart type "ssgrid"

  21. Bold value does not apply to YAxis in styling

    Hi, The STYLE element has been deprecated. Customization is now possible through chart attributes. Please upgrade to the latest version of FusionCharts i.e. (3.11.3) For downloading the latest version please refer here. You can explore how the charts are configured with different attribute in this link http://www.fusioncharts.com/javascript-chart-fiddles/ For further reference please check this sample fiddle link http://jsfiddle.net/ayanbhaduryfc/L2jdzss3/
  22. Changes to chart type "ssgrid"

    Hi, Yes from version 3.4 the "SSGRID" chart follows the feature of a single serires chart. So if you set "caption" attribute it will be visible on your chart both for json and xml data formats. For further reference regarding Caption and Sub-Caption please refer this documentation - http://www.fusioncharts.com/dev/basic-chart-configurations/titles-and-axis-names.html
  23. Hi, Yes the attribute "toolbarHalign" is working at our end. Please upgrade your FusionCharts to the latest version if you are facing problem. For further reference please check this sample fiddle link http://jsfiddle.net/ayanbhaduryfc/km6fzvtz/1/
  24. Hi, Yes, you can automatically re-scale Y-axis after clicking on a legend to hide the corresponding dataset series by setting "transposeAxis" attribute to "1" For further reference please check this fiddle link http://jsfiddle.net/ayanbhaduryfc/nvfvv0wm/
  25. Changes to chart type "ssgrid"

    Hi, SSGrid chart used to render in flash before 3.4 which is deprecated now, from 3.4 FusionCharts renders in pure javascript. It has been ported from flash architecture to JS architecture but no active development is being done for this chart type. Also please note "ssgrid" chart follows the same features of a single series chart.