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Found 9 results

  1. I am evaluating FC for a financial institution, to be used in an investment portfolio dashboard context. I use the prepared jsfiddle samples and then try to apply them to my own data in order to evaluate the chart features and behavior. I have been able to do this as long as the data is copy pasted directly in to the javascript on the jsfiddle page. But when the data series are larger this is not very convenient. For such examples, I notice your jsfiddle versions make use of the fetch(URL_DATA) method, such as in this case of this timeseries example: Your code looks like this: const URL_DATA = ''; const URL_SCHEMA = ''; const jsonify = res => res.json(); const dataFetch = fetch(URL_DATA).then(jsonify); const schemaFetch = fetch(URL_SCHEMA).then(jsonify); Promise.all([dataFetch, schemaFetch]).then(([data, schema]) => { var fusionTable = new FusionCharts.DataStore().createDataTable(data, schema); I then download your sample data.json file and put it on my own server instead, without tampering with it at all. I change the URL_DATA to reflect the new URL: const URL_DATA = ''; But then the fetch no longer works and no chart is rendered. I would highly appreciate if anyone could point me in the right direction here. Why would the script not accept the data.json file when it is placed on my server? It looks completely like the version found on your URL, when I open the file in my Firefox browser. Thank you beforehand!
  2. Hi all, I just saw that the 3.14.1 is out, and I just want to say that you did a very nice work just for that new thing : "Some attributes of data plot cosmetics like valueFontColor, valueBgColor and valueBorderColor will now apply at data series and individual data point level." However ... Why did you stopped at these styles ? "valueFontBold" and "valueFontSize" should have been added too at least, both are really useful I think (might be "valueFontAlpha" too ? But not sure in which case to use it yet) ! What do you think of it ?
  3. HI, I'm using 3.4 licensed version fusion charts in my application to render fusion charts like column2d, spline chart. I'm trying to implement tree map chart based on requirement. Data format required for treemap is proper, so no issue with data. But, When I added 3.12 version fusion.treemap.js file in jsfolder of my application to implement treemap, I'm getting "chart type not supported". Please let me know, if its possible to use any other version js file to implement treemap with 3.4 version js files. or please let me know if there is any other alternative to do this.
  4. HI, I'm using 3.4 licensed version fusion charts in my application to render fusion charts like column2d, spline chart. I'm trying to implement tree map chart based on requirement. Data format required for treemap is proper, so no issue with data. But, When I added 3.12 version fusion.treemap.js file in jsfolder of my application to implement treemap, I'm getting "chart type not supported". Please let me know, if its possible to use any other version js file to implement treemap with 3.4 version js files. or please let me know if there is any other alternative to do this.
  5. invalid data error

    Hi there, I have fusioncharts setup and working well on one of my servers. now I am transferring the same php files to another server but while the query etc are working fine, the charts are not being rendered and throw an "invalid data" error. below is my jsonencodeddata string Can someone please help.
  6. I'm using a 2D Stacked area chart with a json data source similar to the example below (but with a lot more dates). I'd like to add a drop-down menu on the page that filters the data by date range. Any suggestions on the best way to do this? Thanks, { "graph": { "caption": "My Chart" }, "categories": [ { "category": [ {"name": "01/10/2007","showname": "1"}, ..... {"name": "10/15/2014","showname": "0"} ] } ], "dataset": [ { "seriesname": "First Series", "data": [ {"value": "771569"}, ... {"value": "358887"} ] }, { "seriesname": "Second Series", "data": [ {"value": "7347"}, ... {"value": "12596"} ] }, { "seriesname": "Third Series", "data": [ {"value": "40857"}, ... {"value": "0"} ] } ] }
  7. Hello, I have an issue tracking list on sharepoint which hasn't got that many inputs from any individual category, that outputs a grouped chart displaying the count of issues by date (grouped by month). Whenever a single slice of data has no entries (month with no issues), it doesn't display on the chart (eg: July will display just after May, skipping empty June), causing plenty of misinterpretation. As the data is quite seasonal, it happens frequently. Is there a way to display the empty months as in the "show items with no data" option from an Excel pivot table? Thanks for the help
  8. Exporting data

    It seems when XT 3.4.0 was launched, the method to export raw data disappeared. Did I miss something? I see how we can export charts as images / PDF / etc, but no way to export the data as CSV so people can use it in Excel or other applications. Thank you - the new Javascript charts look great!
  9. Due to a system limitation, I can only produce "dataset":[{"label":"Desktop","seriesname":"A","value":"335000"}] instead of the below in the documentation. Anyway to configure it so that it will take the figures similar to my ideal case? Can someone suggest a workaround for me? I'm new to FusionCharts. Thanks in advance. "categories":[{ "category":[{ "label":"Desktop" }, { "label":"Laptop" }, { "label":"Notebook" } ] } ], "dataset":[{ "seriesname":"A", "data":[{ "value":"335000" }, { "value":"225100" }, { "value":"164200" } ] }, { "seriesname":"B", "data":[{ "value":"245000" }, { "value":"198000" }, { "value":"120000" } ] }, { "seriesname":"C", "data":[{ "value":"298000" }, { "value":"109300" }, { "value":"153600" }