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Found 4 results

  1. Adding link to column

    Hi, I'm using a waterfall chart and I need to open some pop-ups with extra information when the user click any of the chart column. It is working fine, but I can't add a link to the total column. Is it possible, or I have to create my own total column? Now, I'm using the default "showSumAtEnd" : "1" Thanks teste.js
  2. Hello, App has been built in Backbone + requireJS. Assigned event listener to certain object's change, so would need to submit that object to function invoked via link property. Problem is that can only submit string parameters to function invoked via link. Have tried to access variables on global level, but nothing is available in function assigned to link, as it seems to be kind of exclusive region. Any idea or other recommended strategies? Regards
  3. hello,I'm a chinese,english is poor. i find some issue that use fusion charts. 1.I use the 'ishtml' property to categorie.when just one categorie,it's useful. but two or more categories,it doesn't work. 2.other question,when use StackedColumn3D.swf ,the subCaption can't display.but use other Multi-Series Charts(like MSColumn3D.swf ),the subCaption show. please help me to look the question, thanks again. there is data file. can't click data.txt can click data.txt
  4. Hi, If you have the following chart and run it in flash and then javascript, the set elements link attributes are encoded differently. The links produced will provide different values for the variables. This leads to us not being able to process the variables because they come out differently for each chart. Why are you encoding them in different ways? Very annoying. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> -<graph canvasPadding="0" plotFillAlpha="100" plotFillColor="00558e" lineDashed="0" useRoundEdges="1" rotateValues="1" showValues="0" divLineColor="000000" canvasBgColor="dad9da" rotateLabels="1" xaxisname="X-Axis" yaxisname="Y-Axis" imageSaveURL="rdTemplate/rdAnimatedChart/FCExporter.aspx" imageSave="1" unescapeLinks="0" showBorder="0" chartBottomMargin="" chartTopMargin="" chartRightMargin="" chartLeftMargin="" numberPrefix="" showLabels="1" bgColor="ffffff" Caption="" animation="1" showFCMenuItem="0">-<styles>-<definition><style type="font" color="5b5b5b" size="11" font="Helvetica" name="DataLabelsFontStyle"/><style type="font" color="5b5b5b" size="11" font="Helvetica" name="YAXISVALUESFontStyle"/><style type="font" color="5b5b5b" size="11" font="Helvetica" name="LegendFontStyle"/></definition>-<application><apply styles="DataLabelsFontStyle" toObject="DataLabels"/><apply styles="YAXISVALUESFontStyle" toObject="YAXISVALUES"/><apply styles="LegendFontStyle" toObject="Legend"/></application></styles> <set color="00558e" link="javascript:SubmitForm('somePage.aspx?rdReport=19285&var=Toms%2bSpezialit%25c3%25a4ten&var2=7%252f5%252f1996','','false','',null,null)" alpha="100" label="Toms Spezialitäten" value="11.6100"/><set color="00558e" link="javascript:SubmitForm('somePage.aspx?rdReport=19285&var=Vins%2bet%2balcools%2bChevalier&var2=7%252f4%252f1996','','false','',null,null)" alpha="100" label="Vins et alcools Chevalier" value="32.3800"/> <trendlines/></graph>