Akash Biswas

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Everything posted by Akash Biswas

  1. y axis max/min

    Hi, Please find the below points with respect to the y-axis limits and dataset values : - The dataset(line series) is plotted against the y-axis. It would accommodate all the provided values within the y-axis range. (For example -if the dataset have values ranging from 0 to 10000, the y-axis would accommodate them in the scale 0 to 10000) - The y-axis limits could be explicitly set using "yAxisMinValue" and "yAxisMaxValue" attributes, but if the values provided in the dataset exceeds the explicitly set limit, the y-axis limits would be modified accordingly to accommodate all the values. (For example - explicitly range set as 0 and 10000, but a value is present in dataset like 10008, then the y-axis scale would be modified) - It is not possible to restrict to plot a value if it exceeds the explicitly set minimum or maximum range of y-axis. So, for your case, when you are plotting numerator and denominator against the y-axis with value ranging on higher side like 1000000, along with the other metric dataset series with values ranging to 100. The single y-axis would accommodate all the values on its scale of 0 to 1000000. Hence, the metric dataset line would appear at the bottom as per the y-axis scale. Alternatively, we would suggest you to use the dual y-axis chart types to overcome this situation. Chart type - mscombidy2d You can plot the "metric" dataset on the secondary y-axis on the right separately, so that it can render on the right axis with a scale of 0 to 100. Please find the below sample for reference : http://jsfiddle.net/ezqaft37/1/ Documentation link : https://www.fusioncharts.com/dev/chart-guide/standard-charts/combination-charts#2d-dual-y-axis-combination-chart Attribute list : https://www.fusioncharts.com/dev/chart-attributes/mscombidy2d Thanks, Akash.
  2. Multi-series Stacked Column w/ subcategories

    Hi, Thanks for the acknowledgement. Glad to know that the solution was helpful. However, for positioning the annotations, you can refer to the below documentation for the supported positioning macros that are available : https://www.fusioncharts.com/dev/chart-guide/chart-configurations/annotations/positioning-annotations-using-macros Thanks, Akash.
  3. Multi-series Stacked Column w/ subcategories

    Hi, As of now FusionCharts does not support sub labels in the x-axis(or category axis) natively. However, if you only want to display the texts "ELA" and "Math" at each of the x-axis labels to signify what the column stack represents, you can use the Text annotations of FusionCharts to display them. Refer to the documentation link for reference to Text annotations : https://www.fusioncharts.com/dev/chart-guide/chart-configurations/annotations/creating-annotations/create-text-annotations Please note : Annotations are static in nature. Also find a sample fiddle using Text annotation to render the above chart : http://jsfiddle.net/tszwa8ju/3/ Thanks, Akash.
  4. Autoexport chart to a location

    Hi, To export the chart you need to call the exportChart() API method. Now to export the chart automatically when the chart loads, you can invoke the exportChart() method with in the "renderComplete" API event of FusionCharts. This event is triggered when the chart completes its rendering, hence invoking the exportChart() API method would export the chart automatically when the chart completes rendering. API event list of FusionCharts : https://www.fusioncharts.com/dev/api/fusioncharts/fusioncharts-events Sample fiddle : https://jsfiddle.net/oeg1b8ya/2/ Thanks, Akash.
  5. Export Entire Chart

    Hi, Please replicate the issue in a sample fiddle and provide us so that we can check and get back to you. Sample Gantt chart : http://jsfiddle.net/ojutx19a/1/ Thanks, Akash.
  6. Autoexport chart to a location

    Hi, Using the export feature of FusionCharts, you can manually select the export format from the export menu(top right) to export chart in the selected format. Also FusionCharts provides an API method "exportChart()" to export the chart, which you can invoke on the chart instance when the chart has rendered. Please refer to the documentation below to implement accordingly in your FileMaker environment : https://www.fusioncharts.com/dev/api/fusioncharts/fusioncharts-methods#setJSONData#exportChart Sample : http://jsfiddle.net/fusioncharts/73xgmacm/ To save the export file at specific location, you need to implement private export server. Please refer to the below link to set up private export server : https://www.fusioncharts.com/dev/exporting-charts/using-fc-export-server/server-side-export/setup-private-export-server/asp-net Thanks, Akash.
  7. Export Entire Chart

    Hi, The export feature of FusionCharts is intended to capture the current state of the chart. So, if the chart has scroll enabled, exported image would capture the current visible portion of the chart. This is an intended feature. Possible work-around : To export the entire chart(that has scroll enabled), programmatically you can use the "resize()" API method to increase the chart width accordingly to avoid scrolling, and then export the entire chart(without scrolling). And then again revert back to the original width using "resize()" API method after exporting. Please check this sample(scroll column chart) for reference to the implementation : http://jsfiddle.net/rkmbx2h8/1/ However, when you are using a Gantt chart with the above suggested work-around, you would need to add few attributes to configure the scroll feature of Gantt chart. 1. Horizontal scrolling of Gantt pane, set "ganttPaneDurationUnit" and "ganttPaneDuration" attributes to null for disabling gantt pane scroll. 2. Vertical scrolling of Gantt pane, set "useVerticalScrolling" attribute to "0" for disabling vertical scroll. For reference, check the documentation link : https://www.fusioncharts.com/dev/chart-guide/standard-charts/gantt-chart#add-scroll-to-chart Sample Gantt chart : http://jsfiddle.net/ojutx19a/1/ Thanks, Akash.
  8. Crash on ticks

    Hi, The categories object that you have defined is not complying to the prescribed format of FusionCharts scroll chart. Please check the below structure of "categories" object array : "categories": [ { "category": [ { "label": "Jan 2016" }, { "label": "Feb 2016" }, { "label": "Mar 2016" }, { "label": "Apr 2016" }, { "label": "May 2016" }, { "label": "Jun 2016" }, { "label": "Jul 2016" }, { "label": "Aug 2016" }, { "label": "Sep 2016" }, { "label": "Oct 2016" }, { "label": "Nov 2016" }, { "label": "Dec 2016" } ] } ] Also the "dataset" object array is not as per the prescribed format. It should have "data" object array within the "dataset" objects. Refer to the below snippet : "dataset": [{ "data": [{ "value": 210.65 }, { "value": 564.65 }, { "value": 261.45 }] }] Find a sample fiddle modifying the structure of your JSON dataSource : http://jsfiddle.net/czhu8bvt/3/ Thanks, Akash.
  9. GANTT fed by PHP+MYSQL: No data to display

    Hi, The JSON dataSource that you have generated need few modifications, as the dataSource is not as per the prescribed format of FusionCharts. Please find the below modifications : 1. "tasks" is an object, not an array as in your dataSource. 2. "processes" is an object, not an array as in your dataSource. 3. The "process" objects within "processes" must have "id" attributes defined uniquely for all the process objects. 4. The defined process object IDs need to be used in the individual task objects to map those tasks to the process(rows) using "processID" attribute within the task objects. Please check the sample fiddle for the modified dataSource to render the Gantt chart : http://jsfiddle.net/oqm54nga/2/ Thanks, Akash.
  10. Hi, It is possible to set the "displayValue" attribute of the data objects to set the display string with labels, values, and calculated percentage values within the "rendered" events. Find the sample fiddle for reference :http://jsfiddle.net/Lvyum8qw/3/ Thanks, Akash.
  11. Crash on ticks

    Hi, Please check the prescribed dataSource structure of a Scroll line chart in the documentation link : https://www.fusioncharts.com/dev/chart-guide/standard-charts/scroll-charts If you still face any issue, kindly provide a sample fiddle with your dataSource replicating the problem, we would check and get back to you. Thanks, Akash.
  12. Include menu.php bugs chart

    Hi, Your implementation in menu.php or the CSS applied might be affecting the chart below. This is not an issue of FusionCharts. Please check your implementation and implement accordingly. Thanks, Akash.
  13. Charts in scaled div

    Thanks for the acknowledgement.
  14. Include menu.php bugs chart

    Hi Sygris, Please check your implementation in menu.php as it may be affecting the charts. This is not an issue from FusionCharts library. Thanks, Akash.
  15. Include menu.php bugs chart

    Hi, Please let us know if you are getting any error in the console. Also check if the chart is rendering fine without including your PHP file menu.php inside body tag. Ensure that you are using the FusionCharts PHP wrapper to render charts in PHP environment. Please refer to the documentation link for using the PHP wrapper of FusionCharts : https://www.fusioncharts.com/dev/getting-started/php/your-first-chart-using-php Thanks, Akash.
  16. Include menu.php bugs chart

    Hi, Please let us know if you are getting any error in the console. Also check if the chart is rendering fine without including your PHP file menu.php inside body tag. Ensure that you are using the FusionCharts PHP wrapper to render charts in PHP environment. Please refer to the documentation link for using the PHP wrapper of FusionCharts : https://www.fusioncharts.com/dev/getting-started/php/your-first-chart-using-php Thanks, Akash.
  17. Bad render FusionTime "timeseries" Browser Safari - Angular 4

    Hi, Hope you have received our response in the ticket mail thread. We are unable to replicate the issue. We tested with the latest FusionCharts version 3.13.4 and FusionTime version 1.0.0 and FusionCharts Angular plugin 3.0.1. Also, we checked with Safari version 12.0.1 hence we would like to request please check the following screenshot. We tested with the latest FusionCharts version 3.13.4 and FusionTime version 1.0.0 and FusionCharts Angular plugin 3.0.1. Also, we checked with Safari version 12.0.1 hence we would like to request please check the following screenshot. Thanks, Akash.
  18. Hi Emilio, This error would appear when you are not using all the JS files from the new version of the library. You need to use the JS files all from the same version to render any chart. You can check this documentation link for reference : https://www.fusioncharts.com/dev/getting-started/aspnet/your-first-chart-using-aspnet Thanks, Akash.
  19. Break at the top of a chart

    Hi, We have this feature requested and logged internally. However, we cannot share any estimate when it would be implemented. Thanks, Akash.
  20. Hi, Apologies for the delay in response due to extremely bad weather condition at our location. As per our observation, you are using the older Flash version of the library, which has been deprecated long back and no longer support is provided. FusionCharts is a pure JavaScript library from 3.4.0 version and the current version is 3.13.4. We would suggest you to upgrade to the current version and check. Please find the download link : https://www.fusioncharts.com/download/fusioncharts-suite-xt Thanks, Akash.
  21. chrome only exports svc instead of png

    Hi James, It seems you are using the old Flash based version of FusionCharts. FusionCharts now is a pure JavaScript library and it no longer support Flash. Current version of FusionCharts is 3.13.4 and the transition from flash to JavaScript was in 3.4.0 version. So, Flash is deprecated and no longer support is provided. We would suggest you to upgrade to the current JavaScript version. Download link : https://www.fusioncharts.com/download/fusioncharts-suite-xt Installation and usage guide : https://www.fusioncharts.com/dev/getting-started/plain-javascript/your-first-chart-using-plain-javascript Thanks, Akash.
  22. Sankey Charts

    Hi, FusionCharts do not have Sankey chart supported as of now, though we have it in our wish list. For your query of Parallel sets, please provide a reference link or a mock-up image. Regarding your Flow map visualization, please check the supported Drag node chart of FusionCharts in the below link if this is your required visualization. If not, kindly share a mock-up image so that we can check and get back to you. https://www.fusioncharts.com/charts/drag-node-charts/org-chart-visualization Drag node chart documentation link : https://www.fusioncharts.com/dev/chart-guide/standard-charts/drag-node-chart Thanks, Akash.
  23. 2nd level drill down problem

    Hi Vicky, In order to change the chart type for the child chart you need to use configureLink API method to set the child chart type, you can also set different chart at a different level, provided the datastructure for each chart is correct. Provide the configureLink() API method parameter as below : myChart.configureLink([ { type: 'bar2d' }, { type: 'line' }, { type: 'pie2d' } ]); Sample for reference : http://jsfiddle.net/muw1L4k5/1/ Thanks, Akash.
  24. JSON Reference

    Hi, Probably you are looking for the list of attributes supported for all the chart types to customize the charts. Please find the below chart attribute reference link : https://www.fusioncharts.com/dev/chart-attributes/area2d Kindly elaborate and let us know if this was not your query. Thanks, Akash.
  25. Doughnut2D enableRotation property ignored

    Hi Sebastien, Surely this is not a bug, the attribute "enableRotation" is not properly typed in the sample. It has a space within the quotes, hence the mentioned attribute is not at all getting applied. Please check this sample fiddle for reference : https://jsfiddle.net/16spkjvz/4/ Thanks, Akash.