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I create the following 2D Pie Chart I'm looking to do the following, but none of the formating options are responding. 1. The Green is Severity "5" and the Blue is Severity "4". Can I change the color so that if Severity 4, color = orange, Severity 5 = Red 2. Can I move the value into the pie chart? valuePosition='Inside' doesn't seem to work. <chart theme="asi" caption='${w.caption!}' animation='0' bgAlpha='100' enableSmartLabels='1' manageLabelOverflow='1' useEllipsesWhenOverflow='0' showBorder='0' ShowZeroPies='1' showPercentValues='0' usedataplotcolorforlabels="0" decimals='0' pieRadius='75' startingAngle='90' valuePosition='Inside' > <#-- FusionCharts data format: (values should sum to 100 for a percentage pie chart) <set label='XXXX' value='12' /> <set label='YYYY' value='22' /> ... --> <#assign path = '/response/content/projection' /> <#if (x[path][0])??> <#list x[path] as r> <set label="${r.severity[0]!}" value="${r.count[0]!}" /> </#list> <#else> <set label="" value="0" /> <#-- Show an empty chart if there is no data --> </#if> </chart>
Hi ! My question is simple : How to place values inside a pie/doughnut chart instead of outside ? Sébastien
Hi I am having an issue with the rendering of a pie 3d chart. A value with 0% having blue color is rendered strangely(see attachedscreen shot of the chart). Here is the chart XML data Please help Thanks Ankit
Hello, I'm evaluating FusionCharts 3.6 and have some questions regarding the rendering of data labels in pie 3D charts. I need to display data with long labels. To configure the charts I specified these xml properties: enableSmartLabels="1" skipOverlapLabels="1" manageLabelOverflow="0" useEllipsesWhenOverflow="1" I've attached a screenshot of the rendered chart (fc_js_3_6.jpg). 1. Is it possible to get labels truncated with ellipses? 2. Is it possible to keep the label text left aligned, even if the label is displayed on the left side of the pie? 3. Is it possible to show tooltips with the complete text for truncated labels? 4. Is it possible to wrap some lables, if there is enough space for multiple lines? I've compared the rendering of the FusionCharts 3.6 with the Flash rendering an old version of FusionCharts and saw that the Flash chart had a perfect label management (see screenshot fc_flash_3_3.jpg). Is there a way to get the same results with the current (or maybe a future) version of FusionCharts?
Pie Chart rendering differently using Flash or Javascript (with same code/data)
dvdutra posted a topic in Javascript Problems
Hi, I´m using the same code to render a Pie Chart using Flash and using Javascript (the only difference is "FusionCharts.setCurrentRenderer('javascript');}" to force Javascript), but I´m getting different results. The Flash Chart shows exactly what I want, but the Javascript Chart doesn't show percentage in labels, as shown in images. The showPercentageInLabel='1' doesn't work in Javascript? Tks! code: <script type="text/javascript"> var myChart = new FusionCharts( "../../FusionCharts/Pie2D.swf", "myChartId1", "240", "240", "0", "1" ); myChart.setXMLUrl("../data/data.xml"); myChart.render("top5_pizza"); </script> data.xml: <chart animation='0' caption='Entradas' subcaption='Referenciado: 172' pieRadius='55' showPercentInToolTip='0' decimals='0' forceDecimals='0' decimalSeparator=',' thousandSeparator='.' slicingDistance='8' showPercentageInLabel='1' formatNumberScale='0' showValues='1' showLabels='0' bgColor='FFFFFF' showBorder='0' startingAngle='90' showLegend='1' legendShadow = '0' legendBorderColor = 'ffffff' smartLineColor = 'ffffff'> <set label='Outros' value='72' color='E3E3E3' /> <set label='Referenciado' value='100' color='043C6B' isSliced = '1' /> </chart> -
I'm using FusionCharts 3.2.1. Is there a way to use image as labels? For example I have a pie chart and in front of each label string I want to show a different image/icon.