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Found 17 results

  1. Tooltips just in some dataplots

    I want to show tooltips just in some data plots, not everyone. How I can do this?
  2. Hi, I'm trying to render more than one chart to my page, and whenever I do that, I'm facing a problem where only the first chart is fully interactive, namely hover and tooltip, work properly. But the next charts don't display hover and tooltip at all. Do you have any idea what might cause it? I use jquery to achieve that. Also, I get data from google sheets, so the charts will be updated whenever I change the numbers. HTML: <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script> <title>Document</title> </head> <body> <div id="all-container" class = "container"></div> <div id="total-container" class = "container"></div> </body> CSS: .container { height: 500px } jQuery: // Charts // Allocation chart var spreadsheetId = "1IOF09DwPm8ifD5pLlmhHVnNC2F4PJvS3CjEpNo3T3A8", url = "" + spreadsheetId + "/od6/public/basic?alt=json"; $.get({ url: url, success: function(response) { var data = response.feed.entry, len = data.length, i = 0, parsedData = []; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { parsedData.push({ label: data[i].title.$t, value: data[i].content.$t.replace('income: ', ''), }); } new FusionCharts({ type: 'Pie2D', renderAt: 'all-container', width: '100%', height: '100%', dataFormat: 'json', dataSource: { "chart": { "baseFontSize": "13", "caption": "Funds allocation", "subCaption": "", "numberPrefix": "€", "captionPadding": "50", "chartTopMargin": "", "legendIconScale": "2", "chartBottomMargin": "", "showBorder": "0", "decimals": "1", "theme": "fusion", "showLegend": "1", "use3DLighting": "0", "palettecolors": "#4a3e9b, #ab3494, #ea3973, #ff6946, #ffa600", "bgColor": "#ffffff", "legendBorderColor": "#ffffff", "legendShadow": "0", "chartTopMargin": "30", "chartBottomMargin": "30" }, "data": parsedData } }).render(); } }); // Total chart var spreadsheetIdd = "1QvCi5LJRBZr3pq4xXZArhaCSVmTpL9We0xBRXnCuRpk", urll = "" + spreadsheetIdd + "/1/public/basic?alt=json"; $.get({ url: urll, success: function(response) { var data = response.feed.entry, len = data.length, i = 0, parsedData = []; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { parsedData.push({ label: data[i].title.$t, value: data[i].content.$t.replace('balance: ', ''), }); } new FusionCharts({ type: 'area2d', renderAt: 'total-container', width: '80%', height: '100%', dataFormat: 'json', dataSource: { "chart": { "caption": "Total Portfolio Value", "baseFontSize": "13", "formatNumberScale": "0", "subCaption": "Since inception", "xAxisName": "Date", "yAxisName": "Value (In EUR)", "numberPrefix": "€", "showValues": "1", "theme": "fusion", "showHoverEffect": "1", "decimals": "3", "anchorHoverEffect": "1", "showToolTip": "1", "baseChartMessageFont":"", "palettecolors": "#57886c", }, "data": parsedData } }).render(); } });
  3. Hi there. I have an issue with tooltip on Scrollstackedcolumn2D. When I'm dragging on horizontal scroll and hover mouse a little bit down over labels tooltips are freezing. Any ideas? What should I do to make it disappear? Example:
  4. TimeSeries Tooltip

    hello. How to display a tooltip with daily values instead of start-end values when hovering over the chart? Is there a way to display the date unit description of photo 11.png on photo 22.png?
  5. I am using a Gannt chart for resource loading. I would like to have a tooltip on the process labels that is different from the label itself. There does not appear to be a way to have a tooltip that is different from the label. If I use html formatting to make the label look nice as a tooltip, you see the actual html code as the label (see pic). Is there a way to specify a process.label and a separate process tooltip for each process? --Nico
  6. Hi there, I've been looking at the api and looks like i can't customize a zoomline's tooltip like a need using a consolidated tooltip, attached there is a screenshot of what i need to render as tooltip using a zoomline chart, is it possible ? Thanks !
  7. plotToolText for stacked area 2d total

    I'm using stacked area 2d, I've enabled drawcrossline. So far I've only two sets of data, so I've two stacked area graph. When I put plotToolText with Macros, it's showing two graphs of values without any issues. plotToolText: '$seriesName, $dataValue, $value' My tooltip will look something like this, I need to have the sum of the two stacked area graph values in the graph like below.? is it possible to do.? Thanks in advance.
  8. Hello, We're having an issue with tooltip's position in Firefox. When we test on Chrome, the tooltips were displaying correctly, but they are off by one data plot when testing using Firefox. Here's a video showing the issue: When I hover over the second bar, it's showing tooltips for the third bar. The fusioncharts version we are using is 3.13.3-sr.1. Do you know why this happens? Thanks.
  9. Hi, I want to custom tooltip. I do not find how to get the color or any other info in the data. The only solution I find is to generate one toolText per point. It's not possible to pass a callback and make the data formatting in a javascript function? Like this : { chart : { plotToolText: (data) => `<span class="drop" style="background-color:${data.color}"></span><strong>${formatValue(data.value)}</strong> (<span class="date">${formatDate(, "MM/YYYY")}</span>)`; }, data: [{ label: "label", value: 15, color: "#FF0000", date: "2019-01-03" }] }
  10. Hi, during my current project, i came up with following issue. If an ancestor element of a fusioncharts span element is moved by a css transform, the tooltip and highlighting of the bars breaks. As example (attached) i reproduced it in the docs section by moving the chart example container with transform. Verified on current Chrome, Firefox and Edge Any hint on how this could be fixed? Thanks Paul
  11. Zoomscatter tooltip location

    When I hover over the centre of the dot the tooltip is in the correct position but when I hover over the edge of the dot the tooltip renders further up the page and outside the chart element. Hovering over centre: Hovering over edge:
  12. Hi, We have upgraded to V3.7 recently, I noticed that when I move the tooltip in a chart, there are white lines to go with that. It was not like that before. Please see the attached file for the problem. Is there a parameter that I need to change/set to get rid of the white lines when moving the tooltip? Thanks, Kelly tooltip.pdf
  13. Hi all, I am creating a 3 series MSline chart where the tooltip is dynamic using "plottooltext". Is it possible to have it compare between 2 different series' points? example: "seriesname": "National Benchmark", "data": [ {"value": "19.4"}, {"value": "19.2"} "seriesname": "Observed", "data": [ {"value": "18.4"}, {"value": "18.2"} "seriesname": "Actual", "data": [ {"value": "16.4"}, {"value": "16.2"} "plottooltext": "$seriesname: $value% - is X% higher than National Benchmark" I am just trying to avoid parsing through the json and format then append all of these tooltips before the chart renders. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Sarah
  14. I want to show tooltip on each entity of my fusion map. I have set below propeties on json map object , but it seems not working, not sure what is issue. please help me on this.
  15. Hi all! Any idea what this white box circled in this image is and how you format it (bg color etc)???? Only tried everything... Cheers, mark
  16. Hello, I'm having an issue with the ToolTip popping up outside of the chart canvas (rendered with JS). Please see the screenshot attached. Any thoughts on how to make the ToolTip show within the constraints of the chart canvas? Thanks
  17. Hi , I have used heatmap in my project. i want to disply in the row & column level tool tip. Find the attached image. Is that possible in heatmap? Thanks in advance.